Christmas in July

Christmas in July is also known as Christmas in Summer. It is centered around activities that are Christmas-themed. 

July is also a time of year my husband and I do gift shopping for one another. We love antiques and thrifty decor and it is just easier to get around to antique malls  and thrift stores in the summer than it is when there are icy road conditions we see here in the winter months.

For a while, I have been searching for a narrow Christmas tree for our family room. And last week we purchased an 8 and 1/2 foot tree we found at a garage sale. The dollar price tag made it an easy purchase!

Yesterday, we went to a nearby thrift store and found that they had 1/2 off all Christmas items so I purchased a string of LED lights and searched for some smaller bulbs for the tree. 

Since we replaced our green sofa a few years back with a creamy leather one I began incorporating some blues and I was fortunate to come across a box of ornaments that had the shade of blue I loved. It also included some silver and white ornaments. 

I informed my husband that I was looking forward to November arriving so I could decorate the tree. Then a funny thing happened. We stopped on the way home from there at a garage sale. And they had a bag of faux peony flowers.

 Our lovely peonies in the backyard were gone in June.


But I thought about how wonderful it would be to see some peony flowers displayed in our family room even if they were faux ones.

I entered the house with my bag of flowers and laid them down quickly as I had more things to carry in from the vehicle. When I came back into the house, I noticed I had propped the flowers on a chair next to the tree we'd purchased and hadn't yet stored. 

So,  I've now decorated the tree for Christmas in July.
